Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bumped up to the 2nd

So, I am now biding Adios to the United States on Jan. 2nd! I'm so excited I can't contain myself! So now I am in a frenzy to move all my things into storage and also still proceed with my wedding planning AND FINISH THE SCHOOL YEAR! So many things to do! But I am sure it will get done. Which is why I am typing on the blog and not packing. Easy distractions! Anyways, just updating everyone!

G'day mates!


  1. Hey Ms. All!

    This is Marisol B. from 3rd period! Although I am completely jealous that you are going to "The Land Down Unduh" (Boyz II Men song, I hope you've heard it!) I have one question. How do you feel about going to a totally new country on the opposite side of the globe? Are you afraid, excited, nervous, or a mixture of all three?

  2. All of it! I am completely terrified that I will not be able to adjust my ear to the Aussie accent (I mean, I have trouble understanding Americans!) and I will have to resort to circumlocation even though I am speaking the same language. Yet, I am super stoked that I will be there in the summer and get a wonderful tan and also have the opportunity to learn new things and to see things I can only see in Australia. I love the questions, keep them up.
